Sunday, December 18, 2011

To Love a God

I burn with my desires
And I burn at night
The sweat you see trickling
Is neither sickness nor fright

I wish for Dionisius,
Pan or even Poseidon
To do with me what often
They did with the mighty Priapus

So far, they never came
At least not during the day
In my dreams is where I seek
The love they keep for me.

Dec.12/2011 , Vancouver, BC, Canada

One Of A Kind

One of a kind
by Antonio Sousa

It was hard enough to find you
But you keep saying that you are not enough
Then, you tell me: What should I do?
All my life friendship was neglected
"Too fat"; "A fag"; "Too smart"; "Not a rapper"
I tried to be cool and fit in with the crowd
"Even your mom left you"; "Don't be so loud"
I didn't do drugs, so I had no friends
Just happens I read books, so I had no friends
Everything I do just sounds like a mistake
At a job or at school, I am always the bad steak
How would you know it? You are surrounded by friends
They fly from distant shores just to see or talk to you
Was so hard finding you
- É necessário achar mais um?*

Sep.18/2010, Edmonton, AB, Canada

* Is is necessary to find one more? (portuguese)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sobre o Dia do Homofóbico Enrustido

Sobre o Dia do Homofóbico Enrustido
por Antonio Sousa

Quero, por meio desta, expressar o prazer que vivencio nos ultimos dias trancafiado no meu quarto por medo de represalias que posso vir a sofrer na rua.
Não do tipo físico, mas psico-emocionalmente falando, somos a nova piada do ano. E por nós eu quero dizer Brasil.
E por nova piada eu me refiro ao Dia do Orgulho Hetero. Ha!
Sabe, quando todo mundo postou isso no facebook eu olhei e pensei “gente, pára de dar corda pra esse povo besta... ignora que eles esquecem...”.
Mas gente, até o vocalista do Judas Priest zoou com a nossa cara. Vai no google e procura por Brazil Heterosexual Pride Day pra ver o que estão dizendo do Brasil por aí... Aliás, por aqui, que eu não moro na República das Bananas (uma pena, amo meu país).
Falta de vergonha na cara, o país que tem a maior Parada Gay do MUNDO sendo tão homofóbico.
Pois sim, como a Dani Calabresa (Furo MTV) disse tão eloqüentemente “Orgulho Hetero é o Dia do Homofóbico Enrustido” tsá?!
Gente, porque que essa porra desse país deixa a bosta da Igreja governar? Por que tem que ser muito burro pra não ver que essa palhaçada não vai ser uma manifestação pelo orgulho de ser hetero, por que né gente, não é que eles tenham que esconder algo ou levem lampadada na rua por andarem de mãos dadas.
Escrevam o que eu digo, se o congresso aprovar essa idiotisse de fato, vocês verão cartazes do tipo “Defendendo a Moral & Bons Costumes”, “Orgulho de Uma Família Normal”, “Se Deus Gostasse de Gays, Porque Não Criou Adão & Adão?”... sabe, a mesma ladainha que ouvimos desde 1500.
Fora que, que Moral & Bons Costumes é essa de que eles tanto falam? O costume de roubar dinheiro do povo, de aceitar propina, de ser corrupto?
Família? Pai bebado que bate na mulher? Mãe drogada e prostituta?
Né, vamos acordar pra Jesus povo!
Sabe, não cola mais, sou da opinião que ou vai, ou racha.
Não dá mais pra abaixar a cabeça e fingir que não é com você.
Não aceito essas bichas que vão pra igreja e financiam a merda que eles fazem e depois vem me encher o saco dizendo que Deus é pra todos.
Como já diria Gwen Stefani “Take a chance your stupid whore!... What are you waiting for?!”.
Quero deixar claro desde já que se essa bosta desse dia do orgulho hetero ir adiante, é melhor as senhoras TODAS se mandarem dessa espelunca, pois leis podem ser alteradas. A união civil estável por parceiros do mesmo sexo será removida da constituição. PLC 122 nunca será aprovado. E não dúvido muito que eles adicionem pederastia como crime com pena de morte.
Sabe o que eu sinto do meu país hoje em dia?
É um tapa na cara, aprovar essa merda semanas após o Dia do Orgulho Gay (em SP). Uma afronta a qualquer orgulho que alguém possa ter. Não tenho vergonha de ser gay, tenho vergonha de pertencer a um país que possa considerar tal ação.
Gente, cadê os protestos? Pois não é um caso de “se os gays podem ter o dia deles, nós podemos ter o nosso”.
É um caso de “Se essas bichinhas ACHAM que está tudo bem, vamos cuspir na cara delas”.
Já passou da hora do Brasil evoluir.


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Time and Prophecy

by Antonio Sousa

Part I - About my fears

From this hour and forth
I promise to have happiness
To laugh and love and pray
And cry only when faced with madness

From this day and beyond
I shall be remembered as the liar
The one who tried to wear the mask
The one who failed in life

Maybe after next week
I won't be called the poet
Instead they shall ignore the rest
Of my writings, not even put me to the test

In a month or so
When life is easier and more calm
When sun, water and light will be my fellows
Maybe things will get tender and mellow

Part II - About my love for David T. Jackson

After a year trying hard, I shall surpass
The odds of living here in Canada
The cold and rich land of no ancestry
The bold move of life I call agony

A decade shall we meet, hand in hand
And through tempest, snow, wind or sand
We will conquer it all, this I shall grant

A hundred will be the number of your years
I shall be old and grey: 73
The mark of our love will still be seem

Millenniums and light years will make us old
But sad will be the day that all our folks
Forget we are a story to be told.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Honor & Justice, Pain & Despair

Stupidity and bad behavior
The will to do everything wrong
Following the rules when it is
Convenient or fun

All shall be ignored,
But the convenient truth
Selective hearing will be
The skill they will mostly use

I shall pass intact,
With my soul as pure as ice
Your select lies won't bruise
My heart or arms

The spear I carry on my back
Honor & Justice I chose to call
A silver tongued demon won't
Last when it's shield is poison raw

The battle won't be fierce,
But short and fair played
How could a weak creature
Even stand a chance?

It can't. It is weak.
And once and for all
Pain and despair it shall meet.

It will be left alone
To die on the battlefield
And when all the stars die
Will curse the pain it feels

It won't be judged on fire
It will feel the light instead
The lies it has been telling
Will fulfill the curse I place:

"For a hundred years it will be locked
The gates of paradise it shall see
But the pleasures the paradise offers
It won't be allowed to touch, taste or hear"

And that is what I chose for you
- The demon who hides the truth -
By the end of a hundred years
You shall perish and then be set free.

Honor & Justice, Pain & Despair
Antonio Sousa

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hate & Anger

To be the bigger and better person
And do the right thing
Usually lands in bad results
Not for this company, for me.

But for next time now I know:
Just be an asshole
Let them single handed
Do the work of us all

There is not a cup half full
There will be no companionship
'Cause the knife you stuck in my back
I will deliver back to you

Sunday, March 27, 2011

My Putrid Soul

- to Don Leblac -

To bring death to my lips
and claim it back as if it was yours
is like singing a bunch of shit
to a kid you claim you once loved

Don't bring me pain or jealousy
or even think of promise love
what you have is what I will take:
Just sex and drugs and rock and roll

I met you once, or maybe twice
And on those times you gave me that:
Just what I want and a little more
I will take it and give you no regrets

Don't promise me more,
Don't be so sweet.
What I take I won't give back

What you give is pure and free
What I take I won't give back

I am like a child, a putrid soul
I will have sex and love and more
You are a dream, a cute (my) boy
But what you give is my, no throws.

Please stay away, and close to me
Don't stay so close, stay right here
What I want I can't define
Give back what never was once mine.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

My Perfect Sin

I love my smell
After a shower
So I can't help
But touch myself

It is manhood and cleaniness
It is soap, water and naughtiness
I get all roused up
With the feel of my skin

The fresh scent of showering
The smell from your manhood
Touches and wispers of a fair skin
Was dirty and now it is clean

I like it when you're fresh
So I can lick your body hair
And run my nose through your complexity
Smelling every inch of your perfect sin.