Tuesday, July 13, 2010

About how Dust is an incovenience

My books in the shelf tell me things I already know
Then they go to sleep without learning new ones
Always the same lines, always the same thing
That is why I say "The Dust In Time"
It covers it's front and top and side alike
It impregnates my books - they are so precious to me! -
I take a wet cloth and make them all clean
'Cause Dust won't stay, in my house or near my dreams
It is dirt and dead skin. It fills what once was clean
It is only a bother and bring more work
To someone who is already tired and seeking sleep
My grandma used to say "Dust is bad energy!"
So I learned straight ahead not to let it linger in
It may come as I am working and have no time to stop and clean
But once I am free and with renewed energy

About how Dust is an inconvenience.
Antonio Sousa

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Tormento / Torment

Para todos os momentos da vida
Sempre haverá sofrimento
É ele quem traz movimento
Crucifica e dá sustento
Apedreja e amplifica

Felicidade só traz alento
E é substancial como o vento
Te deixa esperando por algo
Que se vier virá bem lento

Sofre que é assim que se cresce
Com a dor da morte e o peso do tempo -
Deglute e aproveita cada momento
Aprende a viver na carnificina do teu tormento
Espera e vê e aprende:
Não há nada pra você aqui,
A não ser células mortas e o abraço do coveiro.

20/junho/2010 – Nova York
Antonio Sousa

For every moment in life
There will always be suffering
And it is him whom will bring movement
Crucify and gives base
Rock you out and amplify

Happiness will only bring the whisper of courage
And is as substantial as the wind
Will let you waiting for something
That if comes, will come really slow

Suffer because that is how you will grow up
With the pain of death and the weight of time -
Digest and make good use of every moment
Learn to live in the butchery of your torment
Wait and see and learn:
There is nothing here for you
But dead cells and a hug from the grave keeper.