Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hello, Cruel World!

"In the beginning there was verb, then verb became flesh", doesn't it makes God, if he is actually there, the first poet? To transmute verb (words) into flesh (life) is what we, poets and writers, try to do at every second given from our lives to the act of writing something that, most of times, will never be read except by it's own creator.
Keeping this same thought in mind, I decided to start this blog, so to divulge my writings (of dubious quality and/or poetry or not).

The name of this blog and the address come from 2 different sources:

The House of The Happy Buddhas is my translation of "A Casa dos Budas Ditosos", a book written by João Ubaldo Ribeiro, Brazilian writer. This book means A LOT to me, it tells the history of a woman living in Brazil in the 50's and how her life (sexual) was free of dogmas and pains, it thought me a lot and I try to lead my life (not in the way she did but) in the way she tries to teach us: free.

My boyfriend, David Jackson, is a photographer and his website/logo is jacksonphotografix. I love him and he teaches me something new everyday, so it is some kind of homage and copying of his art, which represents a part of human life that most of us try to hide, and he, brilliantly and ingeniously, puts outta there and I am proud of him for it, I am proud of being part of his life.

The image is my left hand (the same used for Quiromancy) and I call it "The Drawn Destiny".

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